Source code for pynessie.conf.config_command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020 Dremio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
"""Execute config command from cli."""
from typing import cast
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import click
import confuse

from .config_parser import build_config
from .io import write_to_file

[docs]def process( get_op: Optional[str], add_op: Optional[str], list_op: bool, unset_op: Optional[str], key: Optional[str], type_str: Optional[str] = "str", ) -> str: """Perform nessie config operations.""" if (get_op or list_op or unset_op) and key: raise click.UsageError("can't set argument and specify option flags") if get_op or (key and not add_op): if not key and not get_op: raise click.UsageError("to show a key either the --get option or an argument must be supplied") config = _get_key(cast(str, get_op or key)) return str(config.get(_get_type(type_str))) if add_op: config = build_config() config.set_args({add_op: _set_type(cast(str, key), type_str)}, dots=True) write_to_file(config) return "" if unset_op: config = build_config() for k in unset_op.split("."): config = config[k] config.set(None) write_to_file(config.root()) return "" if list_op: config = build_config() return config.dump(redact=True) raise click.UsageError("no options set for config")
def _get_type(type_str: Optional[str]) -> type: if type_str == "bool": return bool if type_str == "int": return int return str def _set_type(key: str, type_str: Optional[str]) -> Union[bool, int, str]: if type_str == "bool": return key.lower() in {"true", "1", "t", "y", "yes", "yeah", "yup", "certainly", "uh-huh"} if type_str == "int": return int(key) return key def _get_key(key: str) -> confuse.Configuration: config = build_config() for i in key.split("."): if not i: continue config = config[i] return config